Saturday, May 31, 2008

Saturday Afternoon

Going through a really rough patch here. No energy. Been sleeping a lot. Trying to eat but not even doing that too well. Wanted to try a video this weekend, but probably won't get that done just yet. Hanging in there - that's about all I can say for this time around. Peace!


Anonymous said...

It was good to see you and Rebecca tonight, Mark. I wish you could have enjoyed the wonderful dinner as much as I did. When you're able to eat a bit better we'll have to do it again, but on the grill next time.

My name up there links to a friend's photo of what we couldn't see during the rainstorm today.

Ellen said...

I can see you as well understand the hard parts of life. I thought I would fill you in a little bit on the back drop of my surgery but couldn't find just a message to you place. I have pulmonary hypertension (a rare lung disease) they have no idea how I got it.and I will never put this in my blog because I refuse to dwell on this but I am on the verge of congestive heart failure and is the reason I must have this surgery. I love your blog and I think people like you MUST blog and document your story for people who are ready to give up! I am soooo proud of you for staring this in the face. Don't go down looking :) I have thought about this many many times and if I had one year left. I would tell the people I love I love every single day and spend every moment I could with the younger ones!!! Good luck I will continue to read your blog as well!!