Saturday, January 3, 2009

Saturday Evening

Hello to you all. Today, I took a big step toward healing. With the help of friend Nancy, I went through all of Mark's clothes. If you have read the posts from the beginning, you know that when diagnosed, he weighed 380 lbs. At his last doctor visit, he weighed in at 212. He had lots of things all the way from 6x to XL. We sorted through everything and made up bags of the various sizes. I have listed them on my local Freecycle site, and will be giving them to someone in need. Mark's life before me included a period of time when he was very down and out, and to have had someone give him new and nearly new clothes because they cared would have been a blessing. I am very certain he would totally approve of my gifting them to someone in a similar situation. I have already had two people ask for them. One unemployed man who needs clothes for job interviews and one gentleman who lost everything in a Christmas-day fire. So, all of the things will be gratefully accepted and used. It was hard to box up the clothes I was so used to lovingly washing and hanging in the closet, but I know this is the right thing to do.

I am taking Nancy out for dinner tonight to thank her for all her selfless sacrifice of caring for the dogs and kitty while I was gone to Utah, and for helping me through some of the rough patches. I hope all of you have friends so kind and gracious. My love to you all !


JC said...

Sorry I haven't visited in a while. I had you saved on my work computer and I've been off. I found you on another site and come on over. Even though, I haven't visited I have been praying for you through the holidays and thinking how hard this must be for you. So glad you went to visit family in Utah. Half the state's population had to be in New Orleans to watch Utah stomp Alabama last night. I had to turn the channel, more than I could bear.

You are so thoughtful to offer Mark's clothes to someone in need. He impressed me as having a generous spirit.

Glad your home.

Mike Golch said...

As JC said that was nice to donate Marks clothers to those that need them.Mark I know is happy that you did.Hugs and Blessings.

Debra said...

I know that must have been a difficult thing to do, but I am sure those clothes will be a blessing to the one who recieves them.

May God continue to bless and keep you in His care!

Carol said...

You did my heart good, Rebecca. Bless you. Mark lives through this generosity that is helping others.

j said...

I am so thankful that you are able to help someone through Mark's clothes. And I agree that he would like that. Nancy sounds like a precious person.

Take care Rebecca.

Unknown said...

It sounds as if you are taking the necessary steps to grieve in an OK manner.

My prayers continue. Blessings to you, Rebecca.

Travis Cody said...

That's a good step to take. I'm sure people will appreciate having the clothes, and you'll know that Mark's things are still out in the world being used.