Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday Morning

I am very happy to say, that this week I have made some new friends! Ellen and Dawn you are in my prayers. Nancy, we consider you Family. Never forget that. It is a lousy way to make friends, but friends they are and will stay! I go Tuesday for a B 12 shot and Friday for a shot to keep my White Blood Cells high. Never ending shots. I'm a walking pin cushion.
I have been asked how do I keep up writing? I have no choice. It is either express myself (good or bad) or just lie in bed feeling sorry for myself. I will NEVER give up! I will fight until the bitter end. Every day I write to new friends. I am not alone in my battle (or my friends in theirs). Somehow, we are all connected. We can feel the pain and suffering more acutely of others, going thru our own hell. I am proud to call all my blogger's my friends. Peace be with you all! Mark

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Yes, you are right, there is no choice but to write and express. Thank you so much for your prayers, you as well are in mine!! When it gets down to it, that is all you have in those doctor rooms!! *PRAYERS* Good luck with the shots, it is hard but at least they help. Thank you for sharing your motto it helps to remember that!!!