Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday Night

Mark went to sleep early tonight with a headache. I thought I up-date everybody on today's doctor appointment. The doctor understands and completely supports Mark's decision regarding suspension of the chemotherapy. But (isn't there always a but . . .), he wants Mark to have a follow-up MRI to see what, if any progress, the course of chemo actually did. Now starts the familiar, depressing battle to find someone who will take our lousy Medicaid coverage for a MRI. The last time, it took us months of searching to find a way to get the diagnostic testing. You see, we have something the State of Florida calls - - - "share of cost" coverage. Since I am fortunate enough to be employed, Medicaid will not cover Mark's medical expenses until we pay the first $1,447 each month. When the case manager first told us that, my response to her was "If I had $1,447 each month to pay toward the medical, I'd buy Blue Cross insurance. I don't have $1,447 each month to dedicate to the medical costs." She didn't even try to be sympathic. She curtly told me basically to "take it or leave it." We have to qualify each month for coverage. Oh, and when they determine each month if they will "honor" you with coverage, they make no allowance for what your monthly expenses are (you know, food, electricity, rent, gas, etc). They simply take the base salary, look at their chart, and tell you what you must pay. I am lucky to have a good job. But in today's economy, one salary is even covering our basic needs. We pick one bill every month to skip and hope we can catch up next month.
So, when he told us that this morning, my heart fell. You see, it's June 30th. So, tomorrow, we start the new month and we have no coverage, unless the Medicaid gods decide we do. Most of the diagnostic providers won't even except Medicaid and those that do check to see if you have "met your share of costs" and if not, they won't schedule you.
Sorry this is so long, but I feel the need to rant. I'm not sure what we will do. I will start the endless task of making calls tomorrow to see if I can get anything scheduled. Last time, I found one place that would schedule it if I gave them the first $700 up front. Oh, yeah . . .like that fits my budget. But, we have managed to squeak along so far and I know that we'll figure something out. In the meantime, I go back on the anxiety express.
Thanks for listening. I needed to get it out. Mark treasures all of you who read this. We ask especially for your prayers and support as we start this new phase of his fight. We really will NEVER GIVE UP! Rebecca


Anonymous said...

Hi Rebecca,

I guess now is not a good time to ask "Where is my pot roast?"


I'm home, and I'm almost awake enough to wonder: What about the VA system?

Travis Cody said...

I find it difficult to fathom how someone looked at that kind of medical plan and decided it was a good idea. That's just nuts.

j said...

Hey Y'all. I will have to come back to read. I have just FLAT run out of time. We have to be somewhere at 11:00 and guess who hasn't gotten ready 10:20.

But I'll be back!


Anonymous said...

This blog is gold, please do not delete it.
As a Canadian, this post frightens me, and leaves me staggered at the protest health care reform has undergone in the US.
Universal health care is not perfect, nor cheap, but it is right and just. You will never have true freedom and equality if some can afford to life healthy lives while others cannot.