Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday Morning

Another sleepless night. I have not slept more than 3 hours in a week. Headaches are still with me and now I'm vomiting again. Tried eating, but hard to keep down. Back to "Boost" and "Ensure" again. The Doctor gave me pills, but I hate taking them. They put me in a fog. Hi Craig and Nancy. Hope all is well. Peace and Love to all Mark


Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,

I know that fog too well. Sometimes it's necessary.

Thank you so much for your email today. You don't know what it means to me, and it came at just the right time.

j said...

Hi Mark.

I happened across your blog via SkyWatch Friday Comments. I must say, your title and your condition is quite...sobering. Sir, I admire your spirit and I pray that you will get some rest today.

Please feel free to come and visit my site. It may be more nauseating for you than your meds, but then again.... it may be stupid enough to put a smile on your face. Cancer could make my rants sound like the whine of a mosquito, but then again, maybe it would be stupid enough to make you smile.

There is a link on my sidebar to My blog is More Boring than yours. He is under the Alabama bloggers BlogRoll and his name is Dullbert. He offers fairly light and quirky posts. It seems that you are dealing fairly regularly with the dark and bleak parts of life. Maybe a visit to his humorous site may be a boost?

Be blessed Mark.


Travis Cody said...

Now that's a hell of a raw deal for you. I won't give you platitudes. What you're dealing with sucks and that's a hard fact.

I survived my battle with Hodgkins about 14 years ago. I was lucky...I caught it early. I had surgery to remove the mass and then radiation. I didn't need chemo and I was rarely very sick.

The treatments made me sterile, but I guess you'd probably take that result right about now.

I'm sorry this is happening to you. There isn't much to be said, other than this...

The next 12 to 18 months are going to happen one way or another. I hope that the time is as full as you can make it of the things you love and enjoy, and that you are able to do some of the things on your list.

I wish you whatever peace you can find.

JC said...

Mark, I'm new to your site and I am clueless as to what you and your wife are going through. However, I want you to know that I admire your bravery and your honesty. I've known many people who have faced your battle. Some have won and are still here but some went home. I don't know how you believe as far as religion or an afterlife but I am a Christian. So that being said, I'm going to keep you and your Rebecca in my prayers. You are welcome to visit my site anytime. It may be like watching paint dry to you. I participate in SkyWatch Friday. Love and peace to you. Never give up. JC