Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tuesday Morning

I see my good wife Rebecca went on a rant. Well, it is very, very frustrating dealing with Medicaid. Last time I called to talk to my "advisor", she told me "I thought you were dead." Medicaid considers an MRI, to see how you are progressing in your chemo, as "unnecessary to my overall health."
We were told that Medicaid can help me more if: 1) I divorce my wife, move under a bridge and give away all my positions 2) commit a Federal Crime, and go to federal prison or 3) if I was an illegal alien or from Cuba everything would be paid for. This just makes me sick!
When I told them I was a Vietnam Vet, they said my widow can contact the VA's office and fill out papers to receive $300 in funeral death benefits.
There are times I want to chain myself to the front door of the Medicaid office, light up a joint and wait for the Feds to come take me away. At least I will have the same coverage as Charlie Manson.
We have gone through all our savings, selling everything we have and it means nothing, NOTHING to Medicaid! Lets face it. They couldn't care less. 10 Billion Dollars a week on an unjust war is OK, but lets not help our own U.S. Citizens. Keep in mind, it took this administration 10 days to get water to downtown New Orleans! It's sickening.
So, I apologize for my wife's rant and also mine. I prey that none of you good friends ever find yourself in my situation. It is bad enough going through the heartache of terminal cancer, but dealing with Government red tape idiots is a slap in the face.
Peace and Love to all Mark


JC said...

Rant on Mark!!! My siblings are all much older than me and are finding dealing with Medicare and Medcaid to be a daunting task. We are all under the assumption that the Gov't will be there to help in our latter years or final days but unfortunately that just isn't true. In my day which is basically your day, children helped their sick and aging parents financially and physically because this was mirrored by our parents. I don't think my nieces and nephews will do the same for there own parents. I pray that I am wrong. As for me, I am alone and will probably be some social worker's worst nightmare. HA!!!

Anonymous said...

From what I've heard, that joint might help you in more ways than one.

Too bad I can't help beyond passing along what other folks have told me. I'm such a boring person... never smoked (anything.) But I'm still able to see that there are times when it can do more good than harm.

Tell ya what, though... I'll pick up a lottery ticket. Surely I must have used up all my bad luck by now. When I win, I'll get that MRI for you.

Carol said...

Just stopping by to say I'm thinking of you.

I'm truly sorry that our country doesn't do more for its vets after they have risked their lives for us. I hope that you can find all the help you need out there - if you didn't live so far away, I'd be stubbornly badgering all of those bureaucrats for you.

Much peace to you no matter what.

Travis Cody said...

No need to apologize. You have every right to feel let down. I can't imagine why the VA isn't helping you. My stepdad has had excellent assistance from the VA during a recent health issue.

And don't get me started on illegals and how they get away with raping the average American tax payer.