Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Morning

Yesterday was a bit of a down day for us here. Mark is depressed by Jim's passing and I think he is internalizing his mortality. He really didn't want to discuss it much, but he was awfully quiet and seemed very sad. We both were exhausted and went to bed very early for us. Today will be a much better day. This has caused us both to contemplate just how valuable friendship is and once again, realize that all to often you take way to much for granted. To our friends - we love you dearly. Today, this morning, the sun is shining brightly and this WILL BE A GREAT DAY.


Mike Golch said...

I'm glad to hear that you are haveing a good day to day. I know that when you lose a friend you do tends to think of your own mortality. I know for Mark it is harder on Him that for me,but we all need a sholder to lean on sometimes.
Hugs and God's Blessings.Mike G.said that (its an A.A. thing)

Carol said...

Hugs to you both.

Travis Cody said...

That was a pretty harsh reminder of what you are facing.

Take care.