Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wednesday Morning

Nancy, to answer your question, we can start by not voting for these idiots. I just saw the new Paris Hilton ad. She made more sense than both McCain and Obama.
Here is another thing that burns me up. Watching the weather and they show some idiot in a big rain jacket or snow parker. The winds are gusting and this guy/gal is standing outside reporting! I'm waiting to see a flying piece of debris rip off there head. They play it up to always make it worse than it really is.
Anyway, I'm feeling OK today and not having any problems worth talking about. My good wife Rebecca is also doing OK. She has problems sleeping lately. Who hasn't? We are hanging in and doing the best we can. Peace and Love to all! Mark


Carol said...

I just watched the Paris Hilton ad on another blog.

We live in a very strange, strange world...

Thinking of you guys today.

Anonymous said...

It all boils down to who's lies you want to believe. I hope that you and your wife are haveing a good day today! Hugs and God's Love and Blessings.Mike G.said that!(It's an a.A.Thing)

JC said...

RANT ON BROTHER!!! Glad you are up to voicing an opinion. I agree with this post and the last one.