Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Good morning all! I'm back and feeling about 70% today. Kevin, I'm sorry your not very happy in Spain! James will be there soon and the two of you will be off to Egypt. You are in our thoughts and prayers always!
I have been down on myself as of late. I shouldn't blame everything on myself. I must play the cards handed me and do the best I can with them! The one constant I have are my blogging friends. You all give me so much strength! Thank you so very much for that.
Today I have my nurse coming. Also my social worker. Rebecca is worried about me, but these things are going to happen. She just worries so!
Peace and Love to all! Mark


Carol said...


In my not-so-humble opinion, there is no room for blame at all - for yourself or anyone or anything. Does it matter who or what is to blame? If it made things better, that would be one thing, but the only thing I know that it does is to make one or more people feel angry or guilty or rotten or depressed. And who needs that???

(End of unsolicited opinion...)

I hope that your nurse and social worker visits are helpful.

Peace & Love to you this beautiful fall day (does it seem like fall in Florida yet?).

Anonymous said...

Hello Mark~

Greetings. You know my fiance is getting daily radiation treatment now and it's very upsetting. He’s the strong one. Of course, Rebecca is worried for you. It's impossible to just be ok when someone you love is going through this. We feel powerless when we can’t solve the problem.
Mark feeling down...seems like a normal reaction. You need to know people out here care deeply for you and we all want you to get through this without so much pain and suffering. Your story shows the resilence of the human spirit. You have touched my soul as well as others.

The air has a slight chill in Richmond. The rain is coming soon. The wind is kicking up. The leaves on the trees are getting ready to turn.

Take care and NEVER GIVE UP!

Travis Cody said...

Glad to see you back in action.

j said...

Oh I am so glad that you felt like blogging. That makes me happy.

Don't forget Mark, NEVER GIVE UP! Behind you 100% my friend.

Prayers for you, OK?
