Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

Hi all - Mark is sleeping a little later this morning. He woke earlier, caught up on the news of both hurricanes and then went back to bed. He has a headache this morning and said he needed a little more sleep. We are thankful that Gustav is not what it could be. The suffering will not be as great for those people who have just begun to recover from Katrina. We have our eyes on Hanna - that looks to be a problem for us later one, albeit not a great one. Harry is doing wonderfully. He got a bath last night. That is is his least favorite thing in the world, but he "endured" it and got two cookies as a reward. He's soft and shiny. I think he actually enjoys it, but just doesn't want us to know. Dixie - the sweetie in the picture above - had her bath on Saturday. Next will be Pepper.
This beauty is Pepper. We have a kittie too, but geez - I don't give her bathes. That would be a really interesting chore. The pet counselor from Hospice sent us some pamphlets and a book in advance of her anticipated visit. All of the materials offer comfort in the process of deciding how we will handle what lies ahead. I think we are handling it all well so far. As Mark said in yesterday's blog entry, he's trying so hard to process the information and still keep a grip on all that we both have to face.
There obviously a great deal happening to us right now. We both feel sometimes like we are swirling around in a vortex that gets stronger with every spin. Only the prayers and support of our loving families and friends keep our head above water for now. I feel like I am getting crushed but I still try to stay focused on being strong for all of us. Hospice is helping a great deal and we made the right decision to bring them in.
Our love to all of you and our return prayers that you all have peace and experience the wonder of life every day, as we do. Please remember to NEVER GIVE UP! Rebecca


Travis Cody said...

Such beautiful animals. It's good to have help to get through the end.

Take care.

Carol said...

Pretty dogs! Our dog, Buddha, sends his bathing condolences to Harry. Buddha only tolerates baths for the cookies, too. :-)

I'm glad that you guys have Hospice for support.