Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday Morning

Good morning all. Rebecca is feeling better. Now if she can tell me how she changed all my settings and switched to MSN instead of Yahoo, I would appreciate it. OK honey?
It was nice seeing Steve yesterday. We fight all the time. He's a staunch Republican and I'm an Independent. I love him anyway.
We contacted a funeral home and we are taking care of final preparations. Rebecca has a hard time talking about it, but I need to now before I go further south in my pain, etc. It is not easy, but must be done while I still have all my faculties about me.
Have a great day everyone!
Peace and Love to all! Mark


Carol said...

Good for you for taking care of business while you can, Mark. I really respect you for that.

Sounds like a fun time with Steve. It's neat that you guys can have different politics, fight over your political differences, and come out still loving each other! It would be good if that could happen more in our world!

I'm glad that Rebecca is feeling better.

Much love to you both.

Anonymous said...

Greetings Mark~ thanks for being so persistent and writing your blog. everyday i have been praying for you and Rebecca. today my scott is not feeling well - the radiation is catching up. guess we all have good days and bad days. today is an ok day made chocolate cupcakes for a colleague. the little things in life make a difference and the things i thought were important just don't matter. it's a beautiful day in Richmond, the 80s. ohh and for the bail out plan, i watch the food network now and try to stay off the news. kiss rebecca and give her a big hug!

never give up!!


Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better, Rebecca.

God bless you both for carrying on as you do. I pray every day that God gives you strength through this all and for a miracle!!

I admire you Mark for the strength to face the decisions you have to make right now, and I know it must be difficult for Becca, but it will make it easier later. It was that much harder with arranging things later not knowing what my parents wanted.

If you or Becca need a hand EVER or need me to bring anything, let me know!!

Rebecca, you have my# if you need to talk.

Glad you got to see your friend Steve. It is finding someone to debate politics over and be friends afterwards!!!

I'm watching reruns to get aways from all this mess on Wall street, but, after all, who bails us ut when we're in debt? Why should we bail out companies that should know what they're doing nd paying people millions to watch over it all? The joy of corporate america!!!

God bless you both and peace. NEVER GIVE UP!!


Joan and Tabitha

Travis Cody said...

Wow. That's got to be a tough thing to do. But maybe a peaceful thing as well.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

L'shanah tovah, Mark!

And happy new dog, too. How is Honey adjusting?

I know it's difficult for both of you, but it will be good to get the details wrapped up and behind you. You are very brave for facing these things yourself instead of letting Rebecca deal with them later. I don't know if I could do that.