Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Day After the Election!

Whoooo - what a night last night. Are we glad Obama won - yes! More though, are we glad the Democrats won - OH YEA! The significance of the first African American in the White House is not lost on us, but it is more personally significant that we have now in place the real hope for change and correction in the government of our country. We, as a nation, would have been further devasted as a world power and world ecomonic leader under four more years of the now-proven failed policies of the Republicans. I admire John McCain. He has given more for his country than most of its citizens will ever be called upon to give. However, he was no more a proven leader in the types of problems we are facing than is Obama. His alignments were just too close to the status quo and that, we can not survive. So - again - What a Night!

Mark is resting today. His poor eyes are just too much and staying up until midnight was a little more than he should have done, but he wouldn't have missed it. I'm sure he'll post tomorrow and up-date you. His nurse came yesterday and she was somewhat pleased about his leveling off from the pain and nausea. He did have a few bouts yesterday of nausea, but they seem to be further apart. We send all of you our love and wish for peace! NEVER GIVE UP!


Anonymous said...

You know, it's funny. When this all started, I thought that McCain was the only Republican who could build a united base of supporters from both parties. I saw him as moderate and sensible, and I respected his record.

During the campaign, I lost all respect for him.

I assume that he got bad advice, but he's the one who chose to follow that advice. He's right; he's the one who is to blame. It's a damn shame.

On the other hand, it couldn't have come at a better time.

Now the thing that worries me is how polarized the fringe is. Let's hope our president-elect is a better "uniter" than our current "fearless leader."

Carol said...

I'm glad that the pain and nausea are more under control.

Yeah, what a night!


Travis Cody said...

America certainly spoke loudly and clearly.

Take care!