Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday Evening

Hi all - Mark had a nice, quiet day. His eyes are still kinda blurry, so he asked me to let you all know he's doing ok but decided he'd give the eyes a rest from the computer screen. He's in the bedroom now, watching the end of the Dolphins game and eating . . .are you ready for this???? Black Raspberry ice cream. Ummmm, sounds like a good day to me. I had a nice day too. I made two loaves of Rachel's Honey Bread. It's Mark's cousin's wife's mother's (that's a mouthful) recipe. I gave a loaf to our wonderful neighbor and his wife. He came over last weekend and mowed my front yard for me. Our landlord is becoming more and more scarce when there are problems. I have been asking for two months for him to fix the lawn mower so I could control the jungle but he only shows up for the rent check and always has something to rush off to. So, I called him yesterday and left a message that the rent money was going to be at the house and he'd have to come here to get it. Let's see if that motivates him. Also, we have been having major problems with water pressure (or lack thereof) so he needs to look at the water pump too. Keep your fingers crossed. Taking a shower in a drizzle of water has not been fun. Love and peace to you all!


Travis Cody said...

Good luck with the shifty landlord!

Take care.

Carol said...

Maybe you can sweet talk your landlord with some of your yummy Honey Bread. :-)

Good luck to you!

j said...

I hope the landlord shows up and does what he is supposed to do. Aggravating waiting on someone to take care of stuff.